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0423 233 649 to join the team!
DENSHINKAN. "Kicking it Old-School"
Are you looking to learn effective martial arts? Are you looking for an experienced teacher and a great group of people? Are you looking for a positive and fun learning environment?
Best of Both Worlds
We give you the best of both worlds, effective martial arts in a classical setting. Don't spend your time learning techniques and forms (Kata) that have no practical application. The great news is, you don't need to join a 'fight club' to learn effective martial arts.
We speacialise in educating teens and aduls of all shapes and sizes... that means no kids. Male/female, young/old, fit/unfit, black belt/completely new.
If you're looking for a great place to get started in Martial Arts or you're already a Martial Artist looking to further your knowledge, then Denshinkan can help.
A Great Team
At DENSHINKAN, the students and instructors are all part of the team. We work together to learn and grow.
Students at DENSHINKAN come from all walks of life. Men and women from all ages and all over Adelaide. We welcome beginners with no experience. We also commonly get Black Belts in Karate and other arts looking to take their martial arts and in particular it's combat effectiveness to the next level. All team members are friendly and looking forward to meeting you.
The principle instructor is Shawn Donaldson. Shawn has been training in martial arts since 1988 and began teaching in 1997. Shawn holds black belts in Karate, Hapkido and Kenpo as is licensed as a Shidoin-level instructor in Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu under Hanshi Patrick McCarthy (9th Dan). Shawn is regularly featured in Blitz Magazine and volunteers as a guest instructor at many mixed-club martial arts events.

The Network
DENSHINKAN is an independant school but we're part of the International Ryukyu Kenpo-Jutsu Research Society (IRKRS) and the Koryu Uchinadi (KU) group. The IRKRS, foundered by world-renowned Karate historian, Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, is a network of dedicated martial artists from all around the world in all different systems united for the purpose of researching our art's history.
The KU group is a network of schools teaching Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu all around the world. This means, what you learn with us, you can take with you anywhere you go and continue your training.
DENSHINKAN is the only registered KU school in South Australia.