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Links are typically provided within 1 business day of payment.



Tekki Shodan Application Seminar 

Adelaide, South Australia

6th April, 2019

Contains 13 practical applications to
Tekki Shodan including solutions for throws,
strikes and grabs... and explains the unique

stances, kicks and sideways movement in this

unusual but historically significant kata.

Length - 69 minutes






Empi Application Seminar

Adelaide, South Australia

1st December, 2018

Contains over 14 practical applications to
Empi including solutions for bear-hugs,

ground attacks, striking and more.


Length - 66 minutes



Bassai Dai Application Seminar 

Adelaide, South Australia

21st July, 2018

Contains over 16 practical applications to
Bassai Dai including solutions for ground

grappling, chokes, full-nelson, headlocks and

more. Also includes theory including Tegumi

and kata evoution.

Length - 67 minutes






Kanku Dai Application Seminar 

Adelaide, South Australia

28th August, 2018

Contains over 14 practical applications to
Kanku Dai including solutions for chokes,
punches and more.


Length - 58 minutes






Heian Yondan Application Seminar

Adelaide, South Australia

Contains 12 practical applications to
Heian Yondan including solutions for wrist holds,
bearhugs, punches and more


Length - 21 minutes




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