What Is Bunkai?
Unless you've come to this site by accident, there's a good chance you already know the answer to that question. There's also a good chance that you think you're going to get Bunkai from this site, in actual fact, you won't. What you will get is Oyo. Bunkai means the process analysis [of kata] whereas Oyo is the result of that analysis, your personal interpretation. What I will present on this site is my interpretation of kata. It is not wrong, nor right, but simply mine and I hope it's of some value to you.
Who is the Bunkai Bloke?
Hi, my name's Shawn Donaldson and first I'd like to say thank you for visiting this site.
I've dedicated a good portion of my life to the study of Karate and specifically kata application. My passion is the practicality of application-based karate against brutal violence within the beautiful culture that is karate kata. I have a passion for helping people grow and improve in any way possible. It's my hope that the content I offer on this site and in seminars will do just that.
Am I "The Bunkai Bloke", no not really, I'm just a karate guy who loves what I do... but it's a pretty catchy name for a website eh?
Why 'The Bunkai Bloke'
I take my martial arts seriously.... very seriously! So why the name then?
The obvious one is this piece of work is about Bunkai.... well Oyo actually, but Bunkai is the most recognised term for what I do.
As an Australian man, I think the word 'Bloke' sums it up just nicely. While I am very serious about martial arts and I do believe strongly in the Japanese culture in what we do, I also think you can be a nice guy at the same time. I believe in critical thinking, approachability, transparency, humor and fun. To some, these are values don't belong in a dojo. To me, they're critical to learning.